Step 1: Before completing our online egg donor application please review the eligibility requirements below to make sure you will qualify to become a potential egg donor.
Thank you for considering the possibility of becoming a donor with Heart To Heart Donations
1. You are a female between the ages of 19 and 29.
2. You are in good health, height/weight proportional. BMI not more than 30 (A chart is provided below for your review).
3. You have no family history of genetic, or psychological disorders.
4. You are a non-smoker and do not use illegal drugs.
5. You currently have regular monthly periods and are not using any “long term” type birth control such as Depo-Provera or anything containing high progesterone that can keep you from ovulating.
6. You are available and committed to the donation process – traveling to and from the fertility clinic for monitoring (blood tests and ultrasounds) and retrieval, taking numerous injections on a strict schedule.
7. You are willing to have a clinical interview with a psychologist and complete a psychological personality test.
8. You understand that you may be asked to travel to another city for the egg retrieval (travel, lodging, and meal expenses will be paid for you and a companion). If you would rather not travel and donate in your local area only, please note that on your application.
9. You are mature and dependable.
Once you are selected by a recipient couple, (this can take anywhere from a few days to months), the donation process typically ranges from 2- 3 months.
First time donors can usually request between $7000-$8000 compensation. Previous donors can earn from $9000-$20,000 depending on the results of their cycle and number of donations. Doctor appointments are usually in the early morning. However, you will need to be off work the day of the egg retrieval.