
The Process
The process of donating is a safe and common procedure, however, it does require a mature and devoted individual. It is our hope to find young women who understand the importance of being a donor and how their decision to donate will assist in helping a couple or single individual to become a parent. So please read through our donor info page and our online donor packet, then if you are still interested in applying to our service, please download our donor packet to begin the process, or you can apply online at the link below.
The process involves an extensive medical and mental examination along with the use of medications. The process of donating is a safe and common procedure, however, it does require a mature and devoted individual. It is our hope to find young women who understand the importance of being a donor and how their decision to donate will assist in helping a couple or single individual to become a parent. So please read through our donor info page and if you are still interested in applying to our service, please complete the on-line application.

Being An Egg Donor
Egg donation is used by couples or individuals who
•are unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy to a viable delivery
•are without ovaries due to a medical condition
•have non-functioning ovaries due to premature ovarian failure or cancer treatments.
•have infertility due to poor egg quality or age
•have a genetic condition they do not wish to pass on
The intended parent pays for all the donor's related fees, including medical expenses and travel. They also pay the donor's compensation. Compensation is paid to the donor at the time of retrieval for her time and inconvenience rather than for the eggs.
First Time Donor Compensation starts at $6000.00-$65000.00. Repeat donors can request up to $10,000.
Donors will not be paid over $10,000 under any circumstances.

*Between the ages of 19 and 29 years old.
*A non-smoker and a non-drug user.
*You cannot have had a tattoo or piercing within the past 6 months.
*You cannot have had the Depo Provera shot for at least 8 months and you cannot be on Nor-Plant.
* You must be willing to stop all methods of birth control except birth control pills.
* You must be in excellent health.
*You must
*No Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
*No family history of genetic diseases.
*Not undergoing treatment for depression.
*You must live in the United States.
*You must meet all FDA Requirements.
*You must have a flexible schedule.
Once the medical protocol begins your schedule must be
flexible enough to permit you to attend frequent appointments over a 2 week period.
If the retrieval is taking place out of town, you should be prepared to travel for the final 5-8 days.
*You must be committed to the process with compassion and care.

•Once you are accepted to our services, your profile and photos will be listed on our website as a donor who is available.
•Intended parents will then review our database and select a donor.
•Once selected by intended parents we contact you and inform you the dates the intended parents are requesting.
•If you accept the dates an attorney will draw up contracts between you and the intended parents.
•Once you are cleared by the clinic t(medically and psychologically), he cycle begins which takes about 2-3 months and approx. 10 clinic vistis.
Intended Parents pay for medical insurance which covers you for any complcations that may occur due to the egg donation process.
*Once you complete the egg retrvail process you will be paid your compensation.